Summer School Biotech Training

Date & Time 11-15 September 2023
Location Rome, Italy

Immerse yourself in a five-day intensive program designed to enhance your knowledge and skills in the world of biotechnology.

The Summer School organised by Biotech Academy in Rome offers a unique opportunity to learn, explore, and network with experts and fellow enthusiasts in the beautiful city of Rome. The experienced instructors and industry experts will guide you every step of the way, ensuring a transformative learning experience.


Practical qPCR Training Course

Learn the fundamentals, master the experimental setup, and analyse real-time data. Gain valuable insights into the practical applications of qPCR and its significance in various fields of biotechnology.

Teacher: Saba Khan, Director at Tiger Team Lab


Design of Experiment

Unleash your scientific creativity during our interactive Design of Experiment (DoE) session. Engage in thought-provoking exercises that challenge your problem-solving skills. Discover how to optimise experiments, analyse variables, and achieve meaningful results.

Teacher: Ronan O’Kennedy, Owner of ROK Consulting


Virtual Reality Gene Therapy Experience

Step into a cutting-edge Gene Therapy facility through immersive Virtual Reality (VR) technology. Witness firsthand how gene therapies are developed and produced. Expand your
understanding of this groundbreaking field and its potential to revolutionise medicine.

Teacher: Leonardo Sibilio, CEO at Biotech Academy in Rome.

Learn more and register here.