EATRIS-Plus node capacity-building workshop on ‘Using communication tools to build communities’

Date & Time 4 November 2021 at 13:00-15:00 CET
Address Online

As a part of EATRIS-Plus capacity building initiative, we are running a Communications workshop that will focus on community building within our national nodes.

The aim of the workshop is to empower you to create and implement a robust communications plan. Topics covered include:
– Identifying a target audience and crafting a message for them.
– Branding and identity
– Website (Editing, Publishing, Accessibility) – specific focus on EATRIS Country pages.
– Social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, Scheduling, Hashtags) – composing boilerplate text for a tweet
– Press releases, newsletters and email distribution lists
– Events (online, f2f and hybrid)
– Video (the power of, editing, YouTube)
– Measuring impact (specifically on web and social media)
– General tips and tricks
– Discussion: open Q&A

The session will take place on Microsoft Teams. Please email Jake Fairnie to attend.


Jake Fairnie
Head of Communications