3rd Global Collaboration group meeting June 1st, Vancouver

Published 9 August 2016

Following the recent publication of the comment paper in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery entitled “Putting translational science on to a global stage”*, the global collaboration group met for the 3rd time in Vancouver in June 1st. During the meeting priorities in the translational science field were formulated and concrete projects for collaboration were identified.
The agenda covered Education & training, Reproducibility & attrition, data-sharing and staff exchange, among other items.

The group met again a few days later at BIO-Convention USA in San Francisco where a session on models for de-risking early translational projects was organized by EATRIS. Around 200 participants attended the session which was perceived as very successful by the audience. The speakers included Gordon McCauley (CDRD), Stewart Hay (TIA), Chris Austin (NIH-NCATS) and Carolyn Buser (GSK DPAc), and was moderated by Anton Ussi (EATRIS). Emphasis by the speakers was made on the need for innovative and predictive tools for early-decision-making, in the context of the ‘fail early’ paradigm (quick win, fast fail). Carolyn Buser highlighted the need for big pharma in single contact point for partnerships and multi-site collaborations, reassuring the EATRIS positioning.

Nature Reviews: Drug Discovery

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