Innovation Office Help Desk

The Innovation Help Desk is available to assist life science researchers from various environments (Research Infrastructures, Academia, private and public institutions, biotech companies and SMEs) .  with access to real time legal support and partnering advice from the EATRIS  team of innovation specialists. The Innovation Office Help Desk acts as an expertise centre providing access to essential tools and resources for collaboration such as guidelines on intellectual property rights, open innovation or legal agreement templates. Relevant guidelines and (downloadable) templates are available on this web portal, as well as some links to useful sites.

In summary the services provided by the Innovation Office to the RIs include:

  • Real time advice;
  • Template documents for frequently occurring technology transfer situations (MTA, CDA, etc.);
  • Guidelines and assistance with cross-infrastructure, industry/academia collaboration and knowledge sharing;
  • Access to specialist knowledge in relation to business development and legal and regulatory aspects;
  • On a case-by-case basis, hands on involvement by Innovation Office staff with real collaboration and negotiation cases.

Workshops and webinars on various aspects of public-private research collaboration are also available.

Local technology transfer offices (TTOs) are the first point of contact for innovation at the individual institute level. The Innovation Help Desk is designed to complement the local TTOs and focus in particular on adding value in situations involving:

  • A number of institutes within an infrastructure;
  • Industry-academia research collaboration across a range of parties;
  • Cross-RI interactions, with and without industry partners.

The innovation helpdesk was successfully piloted under the H2020 funded project CORBEL.

Contact us

To apply for support from the Innovation Office Help Desk please send an email to innovation[at]

You will then be contacted by a team member who can assess the possibilities and give further assistance with the process and operating principles.